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Building resilient communities for parents, babies and professionals – online Seminar 26/03/2025 10.00 – 11.30
What happens in a session
A Babies1st practitioner meets with you (and your partner) and discusses your hopes, expectations and concerns. The practitioner will film you either with your bump, if you are pregnant, or with your baby for a short while, then edits the film to identify the best moments. After a break you look together to see what makes these moments special. This is called one cycle and can take up to two hours.
We support you to become a more confident parent. You learn:
- To better read your baby’s cues
- To have more fun together
- To strengthen your bond with baby
We offer individual online or face to face sessions for parents and online groups for parents and babies.. Looking at video footage of you and your baby with one of our highly qualified VIG practitioners, you deepen your understanding of how you and your baby communicate
Parent’s feedback
Parents feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
Chloe: “I was surprised and found it so helpful to see myself in those friendly images my guider showed.”
Sarah: “Looking at myself with my baby Tarek was an eye opener. What I saw was so different from how I had felt. It helped me to understand that I was being sensitive to him and I was a good parent. I would recommend doing it, for sure.”
Helen: “I felt anxious to get things right for my baby Zoe. Seeing her on film, thinking with my guider about what she may be feeling, helped me to realise I was doing a good job.”
How much does it cost?
Our sessions are free if you live in Buckinghamshire.
For others we offer a sliding scale because our philosophy is to offer our work to ALL parents who want it. Our trainee affiliates are seeing clients for donations only. You will discuss with your guider what you can afford in your first meeting.
Extra Support
Some parents struggle to bond with their babies. You may have experienced a traumatic birth, insensitive parenting in your childhood, or suffer from prior mental health problems. If this is the case you can benefit from extra support and filming you and your baby can be a good way to provide this. A new baby can increase the stress in the family. We can help you to identify your strengths and look for constructive ways of coping with the new challenges.
Free monthly online confidential consultations
For parents and babies (up to age two)
You will have an opportunity to tell your story, reflect with a Babies1st practitioner on concerns, worries and hopes.
If you want to have further consultations, you will be sign-posted to one of our practitioners.
The sessions are conducted by parent infant psychotherapists, VIG guiders, and Early Years Practitioners on the first Monday of the month.